Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weekly Schedule

It looks like Shannan is ready to take some big steps in caring for the little ones. She has canceled overnights and has been tackling them on her own for a few days.

Breastfeeding continues to be slow but she's hoping that without dialysis her supply will increase. We can all be praying for that.

With the lack of sleep overnights bring, she is needing help during the afternoon hours of the day. So far this week has filled up, except for Wednesday. If you are interested in helping Wednesday afternoon, just let me know (theahls@gmail.com) and we can see what Shannan needs.

Thanks for all the prayer support, in home care and financial donations. It is all very much appreciated.

Dinner's this week:
Karin S.
Horvath family
Liesl C.

Any Questions? Just send me an e-mail.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Brief update.

We got the lab results back from Friday. Everything is looking good kidney-wise; creatinine is continuing to fall on its own and was down to 1.8 (from 2.8 Monday). Just 0.5 left to go and we're back in normal range. Only two doses of BP medication so far this week.
We're looking forward to having this dialysis catheter out. (Except having it removed is quite painful...)

What an unbelievably great family you all are.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Care Needs for Mon. Oct. 25 - Fri. Oct. 31

I talked with Shannan about what she hopes to be able to accomplish this week on her own. The afternoons seem to be the most exhausting time. She's going to attempt to tackle overnights on her own but knows that with little sleep at night, the days will be hard. If anyone can fill in the afternoons this week, that is where it's most needed. THANKS AGAIN.

I've been contemplating our acts of service as believer's in Jesus Christ. I am in awe over the amount of people that have contributed to Shannan's recovery and the health and wholeness of their family. I am reminded that our service is not to just them, but first and foremost to the Father. A faithful act of obedience and ministry to Him. It is to His honor and glory that we have stepped forward and served. A family may benefit in the tangible, but He delights the most.

I thank you and they thank you.

We are attempting to wean care based on Shannan's capability. Here are then needs we see for this week:

Wednesday Overnight
Kathleen (thanks!)

10a - 12p (Aletha b. cleaning)
12p - 6p Edie S.

12pa - 6p baby care

8:30 - 6 baby care

12 - 6p (taken Liesl C.)

10a - 12p (steffani d. cleaning)
12p - 6p

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Short Progress report

After meeting with the nephrologist, they are planning on discontinuing the dialysis.

They are going to do lab tests Friday and Monday to make sure the values are still improving. If they show continued improvement, they will schedule an appointment to remove the dialysis catheter. Shannan's blood pressure has been coming down, and the Dr. reduced the medication dosage.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Shannan Update: Good News!

The physician's assistant called this afternoon with the results from the kidney tests this morning before dialysis. Creatinine was at 2.8! This was after two days off of dialysis. The criteria for stopping dialysis was that this value was below 3.0 (normal range is 0 .7-1.3) They also said her kidney function is up to 20% (which doesn't sound that great, but apparently no one has 100%). It was down to 8% when she was in the hospital.

Edit: I wasn't aware of this yesterday, but apparently 20% is the normal level of kidney function!

Shannan has not taken one of her two blood pressure medications since yesterday (Monday) morning, and her blood pressure has been holding steady in the normal range.

We had already scheduled an appointment with the nephrologist Tuesday at 3 pm, so we'll have a chance to talk with her and find out if this really means we're done with dialysis; and if it does, what other follow up care will need to be done and for how long. Thanks for continuing to pray as we watch God continue to work this miracle.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekly Schedule Mon. 19th - Sat. 10/25

Here is the weekly schedule for this week. PRAISE God for all the help!

Keri K 8:30 - 6 p
Cleaning - Karin S. 10 -12
Overnight: Havilah Hoffman

Hannah C. 8:30 - 2 p
Donna H. 2p - 6p
Overnight: Amanda P.
Dinner: Hawkins

Hannah C. 8:30 - 12p
Debi R. 12 - 6
Overnight: Steffani D.

Jennifer B. 8:30 - 2:30p
Hannah C. 2:30 p - 6p
Overnight: Kathleen
Dinner: Surface

Cleaning Teresa H. 10 - 12
Corrie A. 12 - 6

Dinner: Childer

Thank you for all your help!!!!

Shannan Update

We've completed the first week of outpatient dialysis, and the creatinine is holding steady in the 4's. They will not discontinue dialysis until it is below 3 (normal is 1.7). They will be measuring on a weekly, rather than daily basis, because kidney function return is slow enough that they aren't expecting to see significant changes in less than a week. Shannan was doing much better with the dialysis Friday than the two earlier in the week, but they are pulling off less fluid now, which indicates we are continuing to see change. Her blood pressure is better now, though she is still on medications. Shannan is still supposed to take it extremely easy for another week.
Thank you for your continued prayers.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Update, and a Thank You.

Shannan has had her second outpatient dialysis treatment today, and she will have another one on Friday. The dialysis treatments cause her blood pressure to skyrocket, even though she is taking two medications, one of which is not affected by the dialysis and the Doctor cannot figure out why this is happening. Her blood pressure does return to normal once the treatment is complete. This leaves her feeling very tired and frustrated at the apparent lack of progress. Please continue praying that the kidney function will recover quickly so that she can stop having dialysis, and that in the meantime, they can figure out how to control her blood pressure during treatment. Please pray also that the blood pressure spikes during dialysis will not cause long-term cardiovascular damage. Her creatinine Monday morning before dialysis was up slightly from post-treatment Saturday, but not very much, which is a sign the kidneys are improving.

We want to send out a big thank you to Montavilla, Summit fellowships and a number of other individuals and churches, that have been praying and assisting in many other ways. You are truly a blessing to us as the body of Christ in this difficult time . At some point, I will compile a list of fellowships/ churches once I have names for all of them; but for now, suffice it to say that we have people as far away as Maryland praying for us. God is doing a mighty work in this; please continue praying for strength and endurance, especially for Shannan as she is having a difficult time both physically and emotionally.

Baby Ian is doing very well and is now well on his way to 8 pounds. Darby is doing much better emotionally now that mom is home, but there is still some recovering to be done there.

Your continued prayers and support are both appreciated and needed. Thank you all for your generosity.


A Reminder

As some of you are bringing meals and other food with mixed content, please remember to avoid anything on the high postassium list (link in post below). One thing that would help greatly is to write out a label of the major ingredients for each dish or snack.
Also, please keep in mind that many of the vegetables in season right now are high in potassium and should be avoided; including pumpkin and other squashes. Many fruits are also high in potassium, including tomatoes and sauces made from them.

Thank You.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Journey Back

Shannan has been home since yesterday afternoon, so now we are getting accustomed to a new schedule that is going to include dialysis 3 times per week until it is no longer needed. One of the problems is that the treatments filter everything out of her blood, including the blood pressure meds that are regulating her blood pressure until the kidneys come back online sufficiently. Please pray that they figure out how to prevent the blood pressure from skyrocketing during treatment.

On Mondays, we may need assistance in picking Shannan up from her dialysis on 106th and Stark, as I have to be at work at 9:00. (Her appointments are ending about 9:30 am).

Please pray that we will not have to continue these treatments for long. According to the Nephrologist, because Shannan had pre-eclampsia after the second pregnancy instead of the first, there is an increased chance she will need to be on blood pressure medication permanently. Please continue praying that 1) the kidney function will return completely, and 2) that this will handle the blood pressure sufficiently so that she will not need to be on medication long-term.

God is definitely showing himself to us and many others through this ordeal. Praise God for His ability to show His strength in our weakness, and that we can count it as joy that we encounter trials that He uses to grow us and bring glory and honor to His name!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shannan is home!

Shannan came home this afternoon and is settling into her new little family of four. She has dialysis tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m. Wish them all luck with this one.

Pray for their transition into normal life. Pray for Darby and her adjustment to mom and a new sibling.

They have been blessed with alot of people to help this week and we are so thankful for your willingness to serve.

Baby help will be needed next week as well. I'll send out a post with open dates if you are interested in helping.

Thanks again and praise God Shannan is home!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday Update

It still looks like Shannan will get to come home sometime today, but her blood pressure and creatinine are back up again. What this means is that the Nephrologist is not going to release her until she has had another dialysis treatment at the hospital. Depending on when this happens and the result, she could be coming home this evening or late tonight (probably late), or perhaps tomorrow morning. Shannan has already chosen a nearby location for outpatient dialysis for as long as it's necessary once she comes home. The Dr. has not actually written the discharge orders yet; we think he is waiting to see the results of the dialysis.

I don't know any more details at this point other than the things we've already mentioned; such as continuing to need to rely heavily on your assistance and prayers. We are out of the "worst" part now, but there is a long process of healing ahead, and Shannan will not be able to do much for a while yet. Stay tuned for further information on how your continued support will need to change.
We appreciate greatly everything everyone has done; no matter how small it has seemed to you, it has been huge for us. We know God is blessed as well as we are by your generosity, love and care for us. May God multiply the blessings you have given us back to you many times. We love you all.


Dinner Meals

I talked with Shannan last night and it is hopeful she will be home today. Yeah! However, I'm holding my breath until she actually steps foot inside her home, so I'll update when that happens.

She will still be on dialysis and needs to follow a diet low in potassium. In order to help their family with that, I thought I would pass on a few ideas to those cooking in the coming weeks.

First, they are loving the meals. They have been wonderful and so delicious. Some have asked what types of meals they have received so they don't double up. Pasta. They have had alot of pasta. So if you would like to veer in a different direction, that's great. They do not want to appear picky and appreciate any willingness you have to help in this matter.

Second, here are a list of items that work well for Shannan's new 'kidney' diet. Low on carbs, heavy on veggies and protein. If you need a more extensive list you can check here.

Good veggies:
carrots, corn, cauliflower
green beans, lettuce
peppers, onions, cucumbers,

good carbs:
white or brown rice
small sides of bread

all meats,

Items high in potassium:
Beans (black, kidney, pinto)
Milk and Soy milk (less than 1 cup okay)

Meal Ideas:
Salads with meats and small rolls
Meat and Rice dishes

Here is a list of those cooking in the coming week, October 12th - October 18th:
Sunday - Tarrie H.
Tuesday - Miranda W.
Thursday - Wanda T.
Saturday - VanDyke's

THANK YOU to all who are willing to serve in this area. You are one part of many who are helping to restore their family back to health. They/We/I appreciate you!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday update part two:

I visited Shannan this evening; the nephrologist finally came at about 7:30. When he looked at Shannan's labs and blood pressure, he was cautiously encouraging. He indicated that if the numbers hold/ show signs of dropping on their own tomorrow compared to today, and her blood pressure is controllable with increased meds, she could come home tomorrow. In that case, they would just do dialysis at home until it is no longer necessary. (When we questioned him about it, he indicated that there is only a very small chance that the need for ongoing dialysis may become permanent). She is certainly feeling much better and is very optimistic.

Just a reminder: Just because she might be able to come home doesn't mean she would actually be able to resume normal activities right away, so much ongoing help will still be needed!

If the numbers do not hold, then it's more dialysis and watching and waiting. Keep praying!

Oh, another note for the daytime baby duty volunteers is that the midwives have indicated that the baby needs much more "mommy time", so in the event Shannan's in the hospital a while longer, this would entail taking the baby to the hospital and hanging out there with them, as the hospital assumes no responsibility for the baby.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Update from Tim, Thursday

Thanks for heading that prayer team up, Keri. Prayer is our main weapon in this fight.

I visited Shannan this morning, and she was hopeful; saying she felt like she turned a corner last night. She had not talked to any doctors yet this morning, mostly because her "regular" nephrologist is off for two days. Her blood pressure is still high, although not nearly as high as the first reading they took during dialysis last night. We took the elevator and walked down to the cafeteria together with Darby this morning and had a snack. Darby wanted to take a little walk outside, so I did that and played with her out there in front of the big picture windows as Shannan watched us. It is very hard for her and Darby to not be able to have her at home, so we are doing our best to visit at least once or twice a day. Keep praying for the regeneration of her kidneys and that her spirits are kept up, as well as Darby who is having a hard time with this. God is very good though, and He is touching lives through this experience.


*note from Kate: We know you are have helped so much and we are so thankful. If you have a chance, please look at the schedule for next week to see if you have time to fill in on baby duty.

Prayer Team

Keri Keller has graciously offered to coordinate an around the clock prayer team for Shannan. If you are interested in taking a time slot, please give Keri a call 503.283.5242.

Thanks to Keri and all of you volunteering to pray.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

update from Tim on Wednesday

After Dialysis last night and changing BP meds, (the other one was giving Shannan headaches anyway) her BP this morning was down to 150/80. Not great, but a huge improvement over what it has been the last few days. Her creatinine is also down today, although still not as low as it was two days ago; it's still an improvement.

I went to work today, and Darby had an emotional meltdown, not wanting me to leave. Please pray that staying with friends will provide some good routine for her to help her settle a bit better emotionally.

Shannan seems better, but we have no idea how long her body will take to resume normal function on its own. Please continue to pray for this.

Thank you all for your love and prayers. They are making a huge difference.


Kate: I'd like you to find someone to set up a 24 hour prayer system like we've done for Jody's mission trips.

**note from Kate:
Is there anyone interested in coordinating a prayer system? It would include having people sign up for hour time slots to pray around the clock. Whoever coordinates can use the blog to advertise the need for open time slots. Email me and let me know theahls@gmail.com.

All laundry days have been taken!! THANK YOU!!! Check to see if you have signed up.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday evening update

First, I'm fuzzy with medical terms, so I'll put it as general as possible. If you want more detailed information, I'll find a way to get it.

Talked with Tim this evening and Shannan had a tube put in to perform kidney dialysis. It went amazingly well. She slept most of the time. Her blood pressure was down which surprised the dr.'s.

Dialysis was done this evening and I have not yet heard a report.

Thanks be to God for all the help. They/I appreciate your willingness to help in any way you can. Know that guilt should never be a part of what you are feeling. If your gift is prayer, financial giving, or behind the scenes work, that is VITAL. You are needed and appreciated. If your gift is making a meal, sleeping at their house, doing laundry, tending to baby...you are VITAL as well. As Tim said tonight, "we could not do this without everyone".

A few notes:
*if you signed up for a meal before Shannan had the baby, still plan on that date. If you need a reminder, let me know. I'll also be posting a weekly schedule on Sunday night's for everyone to see needs and where they are already helping.
*Overnight baby duty is filled this week!!!!! THANK YOU!

Prayers and Praises:
*Continued healing for Shannan. That everyday would be an improvement and not a step backwards
*Dialysis would do it's job well. That her kidney's would start to perform at their maximum potential
*Tim, strength and endurance.
*Darby, she spent the day with me and had so much fun with my daughter. We helped her to pick out a new present for her baby brother. She was joyful, excited and filled with giggles. She will be spending the week (locally) with close friends for consistency and support. She will still continue to see Shannan on a daily basis. Pray that her time there would go smoothly. That it would be an encouragement and a true support to her during this time.
*Kimberly, that she would get the rest she needs over the next 3 days as she works. That her nighttime rest at home would be truly refreshing.

The Lord has given me this verse to ponder as we all take one day at a time watching and waiting for Shannan to heal.
"Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you" -Prov. 4:25

Tuesday a.m. Update

Shannan is not improving. Her kidney function is down to 8%, she has high potassium, high blood pressure, and other high levels which are not good. They will be performing some medical procedures today to alleviate the stress.

Overnight Baby Duty is filling up! Praise God and Bless you all.
10 p.m. - 7 a.m.
Tuesday night - Steffani D.
Wednesday night - Havilah H.
Thursday night - Holly E.

Friday night open (if you are able) This would be a break for Kim

If you are visiting Shannan and worried she will be sleeping or in testing, feel free to call ahead.

Please check the babies r us registry. We are now purchasing bottles and formula for bottle feeding. Feel free to contribute as you are able.

Monday, October 6, 2008


First, THANK YOU to all who have signed up to help. You are a blessing and an answer to prayer.

Tim's post hit a nerve today. It has been hard to understand and comprehend the severity of Shannan's complications. What she experience was rare, but it also had an 80% mortality rate. The Dr. attending her said she has never been so scared and felt as though she was dying before her. The same comment came from her midwife.

Her days now are spent recovering from death, so to speak. Laying in a hospital bed, it doesn't look like it. But her body trying to come back and become whole again. They are trying to become whole again and that is where we as a community of people step in. We are here to be the source that brings back health and restoration in whatever way we are gifted.

Shannan is hurting and very depressed. She can't understand why she isn't able to go home. Her pain comes alot from not being able to bond with her baby. She feels as though everyone else knows her baby but her. Please go see her (#3108). Don't worry about everyone else going. GO!! Bring magazines, flowers, etc. Her room is very small, bare, and she needs color and a sign that we are all praying. If you have a good book, bring it. A smile and friendly face would cheer her up immensely.

As Tim said, she may not be coming home soon. Kimberly is taking on full time baby/Darby/home duty, bless her heart. But she is becoming weary. And she is having her wisdom teeth pulled next week. Pray for her strength and for people to fill in where they are needed. If you only have an hour, we'll take it.

Ian is doing well, but will have to start supplementing with formula. He's lost 9% of his body weight and at 10% supplementing needs to happen. We'll be buying Earth's Best Formula and bottles tomorrow. Check the Baby Needs list if you would like to help purchase supplies.

Prayer Requests:
*Darby. I saw her today, she does not look well. There is immense confusion and sadness very evident in her face. She doesn't understand why her mom can't come home and with a new brother, etc. Pray for peace and joy that is beyond all understanding.
*Tim, strength and endurance
*Kim, strength and endurance
*a nighttime sleeping baby. (Moms know that this would be a miracle in itself)
*Help for next week. (I'll post a needs list in a few days)

If you know someone who would like to help, but isn't computer savvy. You can email me (theahls@gmail.com) and let me know their number and I will contact them. If I don't get back to you right away, be patient. I have lots of calls and e-mails to catch up on...plus two little girls and a husband. I'll get to it...I promise.

Check the weekly schedule if you would like to help this week.

Thank you again for your prayers and help. God bless you.

update from Tim on Monday

Shannan had another consult with a renal specialist today, as her labs came back worse. She will not be released today. They are confident that this is postpartum pre-eclampsia, and the little bit of digging I've done suggests her recovery to the point of being able to be safely released may be days or it could be weeks. Please keep praying that her renal(kidney)function returns to normal quickly and that she will be able to come home soon. They may have to do another dialysis treatment, but they are not set on that yet. Probably the best thing that can be done at this point is prayer that God will heal her body quickly.


Look here for ways to help

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday a.m. Update

I (kate) was able to see Shannan for a brief moment last night. She was doing well, very tired and weak. Just getting up from her bed for the nurses to change her sheets, sent her into exhaustion. Emotions are starting to set in and she is feel frustrated at how long it is taking to heal.

Kimberly gave an update this morning at church on her current health status. Last night they thought the heaviness in her chest may be Congestive Heart Failure. They do NOT believe that is the case, but are looking at Pneumonia and will do x-rays today.

They may release her tomorrow with out-patient lab tests to keep tabs on her. But we will see what today holds.

Prayer Requests:
*Tim is returning to work tomorrow. As Kim said, he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He needs strength for endurance emotionally and especially physically.

*Darby is having separation anxiety and waking in the middle of the night wanting mom. Pray for caregivers to know how to comfort in her time of need

*Pray for Shannan's mind and emotions. She is wanting to get back home and "do" things. To keep her down will be hard, but she must in order to return to full health.

*Breastmilk to keep coming in. PRAISE: Anna, from house church, dropped off 27 oz.!!! This is amazing. Thank you so much ladies. Keep it coming.

**Lots of caregivers this week. For Darby, Shannan, if she returns home, and baby. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you are able to fill in for a few hours, let me know. It may be that you hold the baby, help give Darby lunch, fold a few loads of laundry or clean up the house. Whatever it may be that is the need for the moment.

**Lawn and Garden Care: The lawn needs to be mowed (when it stops raining) and vegetables in the garden need to be picked and the plants pulled out. Shannan is very worried about this b/c she has worked very hard to create good soil in her garden. If you have a green thumb, please come over. No need to call, just stop by and let them know you will be working in the garden or mowing the lawn.

Financial Donations:
Several have asked if they could give. YES! You can make a check to Tim and Shannan and mail it to Kelly Peterson (she handles their business and personal finances). Unfortunately, the donation will not be tax deductible. We thank you so much for you willingness to serve in this area. Tim and Shannan have this worry very present in the front of their minds, this will help to relieve the burden.
Here is the address:
Kelly Peterson
10122 SE Shady Lane
Damascus, OR 97089

I'll post a weekly schedule this evening to show what's filled and what needs to be filled. THANK you again to all who help. Each time something is mentioned to Shannan, she bursts into tears. They are so appreciative and humbled by your love and support.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

update from Tim

I have just been to see Shannan and her health continues to improve. They are going to take out most of the remaining tubes today, and they are somewhat optimistic that she may be able to return home as soon as tomorrow. They want to make sure that she can get up and move around and that everything is continuing to improve well enough to release her. When she gets home, she will still be very weak and needs to do very little, so continued assistance will be needed even after her return home.

All of your prayers and support have been overwhelming and greatly appreciated. This is one giant miracle, and we saw God's hand at work even before we were able to notify anyone. Thank you for participating as the Body of Christ.

It may interest some of you to know that Ian means, "God is Gracious". We chose the name long before we knew any of this would happen.


Shannan Update-Saturday a.m.

Shannan is staying in room #3108. Remember Visiting hours are between 12-6:30. If you have any indication of getting a cold, please, refrain from going. We understand that it may be hard, but in the interest of this family getting well, we ask for your consideration in this matter.

Here's what we know this morning about her health:
*She is very anemic and it is still up in the air if she will need further blood treatments
*They are testing her hourly to make sure the kidney's are still good
*Her eyes are having trouble focusing
*She is having horrible headaches and lots of shaking
*She is in good spirits, but weak.
*She believes that she will be able to jump back into life when she gets home. Dr.'s continue to remind her that she will not be able to do anything once she returns home and needs ALOT of help.
*She is pumping milk, but having to dump. She is on a few medications that could affect baby.

Here are current needs:
*Kimberly has been at the house almost around the clock. She is returning to work Wed, Thur, and Friday. We need people there all day to help with Darby and Baby.
The shifts are as follows:
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
8a - 1p
1p - 6p
6p - 9p

If you can help with any of these, please comment and let me know. Commenting is easy and the best way to fill in the gaps. You can e-mail, but commenting is best.

Some have been asking about insurance. Tim and Shannan do have insurance, but with a mild deductible and 20/80 plan. You can imagine the 20% will be quite a chunk to cover. For those who have asked to give financially, we are in process of figuring out the best avenue to do that. Check back and we will let you know.

Prayer Requests:
*Shannan's health returning quickly and 100%
*Breastmilk to come in. Amazingly enough, it keeps coming in just at the right time. There is no reserve (formula is there) but without fail, when it runs out, more comes.
*Tim returns to work on Monday. Pray for a sound mind and then ability to focus.
*For Shannan's parents in Coos Bay to somehow be involved. That if traveling here is involved, that they would have a safe trip.

Thanks everyone!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Good News

Shannan has been moved to the medical ward! Praise God. There was question of doing another kidney dialysis and they are doing blood tests currently. Things are still moving slowly with the kidney's so we don't have an expected departure date yet.

The extra good part... She is currently with baby, Ian Timothy. That's right, he has a name. She is trying to nurse and hopefully going to pump when she can. Her milk has not come in, but she remains hopeful. It's hard to balance kidney function and her body working to sustain the life of another.

She would love to have visitors tomorrow. Here are a few ground rules:

1). Visiting Hours: Noon - 6:30 p.m.
This will give her private time in the morning to see the kids and then the evening to unwind.
2). Keep your visit under 10 minutes. We know there are lots of people that would love to see Shannan, but she is still VERY tired and weak. Your face and kind words will make a tremendous difference in her spirits, but your long stay, may make her more exhausted than need be.

Another praise, lots of women are pumping for Shannan. I know for some this is strange, but to Shannan this means SO much to her. We are thankful and baby is eating great! If you know Tim and Shannan, are nursing and your baby is under a year (preferably 6 months) she will take whatever you can pump.

ONE LAST THING: If you have been trying to comment and are unable, I've changed the settings...you may now comment without being an account holder. Just comment anonymously and list your name in the box. COMMENT AWAY! They would love them!

Thanks again friends. Your prayers, help, cards and gifts are MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated.

Update on Shannan - Friday, Oct. 2

This morning Shannan is still in ICU.

Last night, they had to perform Kidney Dialysis. Dr.'s will possibly have to do it again today.

Her blood pressure/hyper tension are still very high. Dr.'s are taking her off more meds than they are giving her which is good.

Her red blood cells are depleting faster than they are regenerating. She has been given 5 units of blood so far and will need to do a blood treatment this afternoon.

She will not be moved from ICU until they can regain control of these things. Tim brought her coffee this morning, which they hoped would help the major headaches.

Dr.'s have warned this will be a long haul. Recovery time will not happen quickly. But let's pray that it does.

Prayers right now:
**Tim looks exhausted. He was up with her at the hospital until late and up with the baby as well. Pray for strength, ability to rest, and a way to release all the emotions he has.

**Darby misses her mom. I was over there this morning and she kept asking when mom was going to be home. (I almost burst into tears) Pray for an obedient heart, comfort, and joy.

**Help for caretaking. Tim has been required to leave at a moments notice to speak with Dr.'s which means someone has to be there for the baby and Darby. I'll be setting up a post for people to fill in over the next 3 days until we get a better understanding of when Shannan is going to be home.

**more breastmilk to come in to feed baby.

Coffee Cards. Tim is taking it to Shannan and he needs some himself. If you are at Starbuck's or Coffee's On and think about it, pick one up.

Bread and lunch meats for caretakers there during the day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Here it is

Everything you need to know about how to help the Swindler Family is here.

Please scroll down through the posts to find ways you can help. If you are confused, the ideas don't fit your schedule, please comment here and I'll find a way for you to help.

On the right hand side you will find quick links to each category. As a need arises, I'll list it there.

I will also keep you updated as to Shannan's progress and how she is doing. For now, tonight, Tim is home with both kids alone, so pray pray pray for an easy night. There is help coming in the morning.

Thanks friends!


This is a difficult transition for a 3 year old without their mother being away. Here are a few things you can do to help her have a good time.

1). Create activity bags. Coloring books, puzzles, reading books, etc. A packet with a theme that would entertain her for a bit while Shannan feeds the baby.

2). A small gift to celebrate her becoming a big sister. Polly Pocket, Books, new fall clothes (3T)

3). Snack packs. Shannan isn't keen on too much sugar, so low sugar or no sugar items preferred. This helps out tremendously. She can look forward to a fun snack everyday and Shannan doesn't have to think about what to offer.

4). Play Dates. If you know Darby or your child is in class with her at church she would love to come play. Let me know by commenting which day and time works for you and I'll coordinate it with Shannan.

Cleaning and Laundry Days

Lots of poopy jammies are going to be piling up these days. They need some helping hands to fold laundry and clean out those toilets and sinks.

Cleaning and Laundry Days will be Monday's and Friday's from 10 a.m - 12:30 a.m. throughout the month of October. Here are the dates open:

October 6 (taken - karin s.)
October 10 (taken - debi r)
October 13 (Laura Long)
October 17 (taken aletha b.)
October 20 (taken karin s.)
October 24 (taken teresa h.)
October 27 (taken aletha b.)
October 31 (taken steffani d.)

Again, here's what you do to sign up:
Comment below with 1) Your Name 2) What day you would like, and 3) Your e-mail contact so that I can remind you and give you their address. Once that date is taken, I'll remove it from the list.

Food Needs - Meals

Dinners slots will be open on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Listed below are dates that are still open. If you would like to take a date here's what to do.

Open dates:
October 7 (taken - mel steele)
October 12 (taken - tarrie hoffman)
October 19 (taken - jenny R.)
October 26 (taken - emily c.)
October 28 (taken - Karin S.)
November 1(taken - liesl C.)
November 4 (taken - jennifer grant)
November 6 (taken - suzanne b.)
November 8 (taken - Holly E)
November 11 (taken Suzanne B)
November 15 (taken - Holly E)

If you would like to take a date here's what to do:
Comment below with 1) Your Name 2) What day you would like, and 3) Your e-mail contact so that I can remind you and give you their address. Once that date is taken, I'll remove it from the list.

Please keep in mind a few things:
1)meals need to be delivered by 5 p.m. the day your are assigned

2) easy to prepare and in disposable containers not to be returned (this makes it so much easier on her)

3) Good! - Just kidding :)

4) Fresh or Frozen with clear instructions

**Take out pizza is always a good option if you don't have time or don't like to cook.

Another option if you would still like to do food but not dinner. Snack baskets. A new mom rarely has time to sit down to a hot meal, so quick snacks are great. Here are a few items that help.
-string cheese
-healthy snack bars
-bottles of water
-healthy juices
-muffins (some good homemade ones...yum)

The snack baskets can be dropped off at any time, just remember to call ahead or stop by quickly.

One last option - grocery store gift cards. New seasons, Safeway, Fred Meyer. If someone needs to do their shopping for the basics, they have an easy way to cover it.

Baby Needs

If you are interested in helping them purchase much needed baby items a baby registry has been set up in Shannan's name at Babies R Us. Please include a gift receipt so they can easily return items if they receive too many.

Shannan is very passionate about breastfeeding and the thought of being unable to do that will be quite overwhelming. Therefore, most of the items on the list are more natural options that Shannan would choose. Glass bottles and organic formula.

The formula can be purchased at any store, the brand is Earth's Best Organic. Fred Meyer carries it and so does Babies R Us. (it is included on the registry).

Diapers are always a great help too. Sizes: , 1, and 2

Baby Boy Clothes. Sizes: 6-9 month.

Please feel free to drop off items at Montavilla Baptist, at a time you are delivering a meal, helping with chores, or running errands. You can also e-mail me (Kate Ahl) at any time to coordinate a drop off time.

Here is baby sprout

Family Business

Welcome to the Swindler family update.

Tim and Shannan have been through alot. The most exciting news is that they now are the proud parents of a baby boy. His name is currently "Baby Sprout". He was born at 12:14 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs 6 oz and 20.5 inches long. Absolutely perfect. Pictures to come.

As some of you may know Shannan experienced complications post labor. A very, very rare complication occurred post birth. She was rushed to the emergency room where the doctor's worked to restore her to health. She was moved to ICU and remains there until tonight or tomorrow.

this from Kimberly
"The diagnosis is the rarest of Obstetric complications: amniotic embolism and DIC. In short, as I understand it, some amniotic fluid and/or fetal cells got in her blood stream during the delivery and went to her brain causing stroke like symptoms. These issues are further complicated by DIC where her clotting factors go into overdrive, causing red blood cells to burst and small blood clots to form within the blood vessels. Some of these clots can clog up the vessels and cut off blood supply to various organs such as the liver or kidney. These organs could then suffer serious damage or (worst case scenario) stop functioning."

The dr.s are very happy with her progress and believe there will be no long term affects. All tests have come back clear. The DIC is no longer a danger. Her kidney's are functioning great and she could be out of the hospital in 48 hours. She is heavily mediated and is having difficultly comprehending conversations.

Baby is currently at home and getting lots of love from his big sister, Darby, and many family friends.

I'll be updating this site daily with ways that you can help and items they need. If you would like to help there will be detailed instructions in each post.

Your prayers, volunteer support, and love are so greatly needed and appreciated. We are eager to see the Lord heal, emotionally and physically, and work in our community to bring us all closer together as we support this family.

p.s. I'll pass along any comments of love and support to them as I'm sure they would appreciate it.