Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Update, and a Thank You.

Shannan has had her second outpatient dialysis treatment today, and she will have another one on Friday. The dialysis treatments cause her blood pressure to skyrocket, even though she is taking two medications, one of which is not affected by the dialysis and the Doctor cannot figure out why this is happening. Her blood pressure does return to normal once the treatment is complete. This leaves her feeling very tired and frustrated at the apparent lack of progress. Please continue praying that the kidney function will recover quickly so that she can stop having dialysis, and that in the meantime, they can figure out how to control her blood pressure during treatment. Please pray also that the blood pressure spikes during dialysis will not cause long-term cardiovascular damage. Her creatinine Monday morning before dialysis was up slightly from post-treatment Saturday, but not very much, which is a sign the kidneys are improving.

We want to send out a big thank you to Montavilla, Summit fellowships and a number of other individuals and churches, that have been praying and assisting in many other ways. You are truly a blessing to us as the body of Christ in this difficult time . At some point, I will compile a list of fellowships/ churches once I have names for all of them; but for now, suffice it to say that we have people as far away as Maryland praying for us. God is doing a mighty work in this; please continue praying for strength and endurance, especially for Shannan as she is having a difficult time both physically and emotionally.

Baby Ian is doing very well and is now well on his way to 8 pounds. Darby is doing much better emotionally now that mom is home, but there is still some recovering to be done there.

Your continued prayers and support are both appreciated and needed. Thank you all for your generosity.



Anonymous said...

Jill called a few weeks ago and asked us to pray for you, so I sent out and email to everyone from our church; Yakima is praying for you, too! May God strengthen every part of your body, Shannan, and may you give Him much glory as you travel through this detour in your life! -Kris Kellett

Along For the Ride said...

Actually Tim - I've sent e-mails to so many people who now keep up on the blog, who also live all over the country...including my cousin and his family that are missionaries in Belgium. They are friends with Kimberly so they have felt an extra tug on their hearts to pray and I think they have a whole group of people praying. I'm sure those people have other people praying, too...your situation has touched hearts all over the world. We love you!

Marcia for the fam