Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday update part two:

I visited Shannan this evening; the nephrologist finally came at about 7:30. When he looked at Shannan's labs and blood pressure, he was cautiously encouraging. He indicated that if the numbers hold/ show signs of dropping on their own tomorrow compared to today, and her blood pressure is controllable with increased meds, she could come home tomorrow. In that case, they would just do dialysis at home until it is no longer necessary. (When we questioned him about it, he indicated that there is only a very small chance that the need for ongoing dialysis may become permanent). She is certainly feeling much better and is very optimistic.

Just a reminder: Just because she might be able to come home doesn't mean she would actually be able to resume normal activities right away, so much ongoing help will still be needed!

If the numbers do not hold, then it's more dialysis and watching and waiting. Keep praying!

Oh, another note for the daytime baby duty volunteers is that the midwives have indicated that the baby needs much more "mommy time", so in the event Shannan's in the hospital a while longer, this would entail taking the baby to the hospital and hanging out there with them, as the hospital assumes no responsibility for the baby.


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