Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Care Needs for Mon. Oct. 25 - Fri. Oct. 31

I talked with Shannan about what she hopes to be able to accomplish this week on her own. The afternoons seem to be the most exhausting time. She's going to attempt to tackle overnights on her own but knows that with little sleep at night, the days will be hard. If anyone can fill in the afternoons this week, that is where it's most needed. THANKS AGAIN.

I've been contemplating our acts of service as believer's in Jesus Christ. I am in awe over the amount of people that have contributed to Shannan's recovery and the health and wholeness of their family. I am reminded that our service is not to just them, but first and foremost to the Father. A faithful act of obedience and ministry to Him. It is to His honor and glory that we have stepped forward and served. A family may benefit in the tangible, but He delights the most.

I thank you and they thank you.

We are attempting to wean care based on Shannan's capability. Here are then needs we see for this week:

Wednesday Overnight
Kathleen (thanks!)

10a - 12p (Aletha b. cleaning)
12p - 6p Edie S.

12pa - 6p baby care

8:30 - 6 baby care

12 - 6p (taken Liesl C.)

10a - 12p (steffani d. cleaning)
12p - 6p


kt said...

Can do the overnight Wed nite - is that the 29th? - kathleen

swindlerswirl said...

great. thanks kathleen. I'll put you down.